From time to time, our product team will improve the AnkerWork software by releasing newer firmware versions, so it is highly recommended that our customers always keep the firmware up to date in order to ensure its peak performance.

If the firmware upgrade fails, please first double check whether your computer's operating system is Windows 7 or Windows 8(The firmware update is not supported for Windows 7/8). If not, please try to use a different computer running different operating systems.

If the issue persists, please follow these steps instead:

- Make sure the AnkerWork software you installed is the latest version. If it is not the latest version, please uninstall the current software and then reinstall the new version from this link. After that, please try to update the firmware again.
- Check if your computer is running any antivirus software when you are trying to process the firmware upgrade. If so, please disable the antivirus temporarily in order to complete the upgrade process.

Steps to uninstall AnkerWork software for your reference:

Select the desktop shortcut > right-click to open the file location > find uninst.exe to uninstall; OR Find the unist.exe in the default storage path to uninstall (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\AnkerWork)